Essential Nutrition

In this article we are going to get some food and nutrients nutrition. As already discussed in the first post, is not only food, but also nurture our metabolism with foods that help our body. The most recommended in the daily diet would consume a minimum of 25% of raw foods (and can reach 50%). To get an idea of a balanced diet, we are going to give examples of the most needed foods:-fresh fruit: Apple, pear, grapes, cherries, melon, watermelon, peach, kiwi, blueberries, pineapple, loquats, mango, papaya, etc. Fruit is always eaten before meals or between hours since is digested before any other food, does not absorb part of their properties and it can cause heaviness. -Raw vegetables: carrots, peppers, radishes, cabbage, Endive, buds, beetroot, etc.

– cooked vegetables (if possible little boiled, steamed is they will lose nutrients): green beans, leeks, broccoli, celery, squash, artichokes, etc. – cereals and pseudocereals (would be a very nutritional eating a minimum of 3 to 4 times per week): Quinoa, brown rice. Amaranth, millet, oats. Both the quinoa how millet and amaranth are cooked like rice. They are one of the foods with more assimilable and with an infinite number of properties.They can be combined with vegetables or seaweed, and thus gets a similar to beef but more assimilable protein quality. Oats is recommended for an energetic breakfast, able to be biological, since fate loses half of the properties. -Vegetables: soybeans, lentils, beans, etc.-(especially without salt and with moderation) nuts: walnuts, almonds, cashews, pine nuts, etc.

Dried fruits have many nutrients (such as omega-3 and 6) and are very energy and satiety. -Algae (are very remineralizantes, diureticas, slimming and very nutritious.) Going very well to combine with any dish): seaweed dulse, wakame, kombu, nori, agar agar, etc. – drinks plant (for those who do not tolerate milk or don't like them): soy milk, milk of almonds, rice, oats, etc. The more assimilated is the drink of rice.


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